Sleepless in Seattle (or HotLanta)?...that's me. I know I'm 45 and it's getting to that stage of life but still. I swear if it weren't for Tylenol PM, I'd be a 2-4 hour a night gal. My large collection of eye concealer tells me that I need more than that.
Last summer, in the hospital, for 7 straight days, I had a beautiful blend of IV fluids and a non prescription sleeping pill every night.
When I got home, you would have thought I'd been to a beauty ranch in California. I was thin, no under eye circles and my skin looked like I was 25. I have my insurance to thank for the $117,000 treatment.
Just thought I'd throw this out there to see if I'm the only night owl in the group.
Sleepless in....
Labels: sleep
Labels: Monet
I can't remember if I've showed this quilt to you...this is only the top but I did finish and give it to my sister for Christmas last year. Her good friend secretly quilted it and sent it back to me.
It's Kaffe Fasset's "S" quilt
Please click on the link to get a more accurate look at how it came out. I never would have bought the kit with the colors I've represented in the photo in photography is everything!
Anyway, my sister came and took care of my family for a week when I was under the weather last summer. This was just a little thank you...and I do think she loves it!
Labels: quilts
Look at these sweet little dolls that my girls and I whipped up this afternoon.
Don't they look like they're giggling? Each of the girls drew their own face on their own doll.
It's the project from Craft Hope that we've already missed the deadline of June 13 but will jump in on some of their future projects. This particular pattern is the Black Apple doll pattern. Craft Hope is a wonderful organization that sends handmade toys and clothes to various orphanages around the globe. They've collected 405 dolls for children in Nicaragua.
Their current project is blankets, booties and beanies for children in India. Perfect for you knitting gals.
And last but not least, we couldn't resist....look what's inside each of the dolls....that's right...a heart...
After all, don't forget...
It's all about the heart!
Labels: dolls, family, homeschool
Anyone ever had heat stroke? My son was in a tennis tournament yesterday and couldn't finish the match....very scary, he was super hot, then super cold, vomiting, confused, lethargic, memory loss, dehydrated, etc. His body had lost the ability to regulate it's own temperature....I got him home and into a cool bath with a jug of water and gatorade. Then to the couch to watch Judge Judy. As soon as he could tell me the story and verdict ...I knew he was OK.
This Atlanta heat is something else...everyone please be careful out there!
Labels: family
Me and my Dad at the Georgia Tech homecoming in 1968. I was four years old. This was a big event for our family. We loved going to the Tech games and cheering on the Yellow Jackets! He was the Placement Director for Ga. Tech. At the time, this was a big deal because he was the guy responsible for making connections with all the big companies in America to get jobs for our graduates....still to this day, older men will tell me or one of my siblings what a great guy he was and how much he meant to them....that was 40 years ago and they still remember.
Needless to say he was a big man on campus and a bit of a celebrity locally. He was chosen by Tech, 6 months later to take a small group of carefully selected students to travel to Russia. Sort of an act of good will on Russia's part to let them in. In fact, they were the first Americans allowed there during the Cold War....can you imagine the stress. They arrived at the Leningrad train station; suffered his third heart attack and died. He was only 45. My mother was left with 5 children, ages 5-20. Her first husband was a WW2 pilot and was shot children. After two husbands, she decided not to remarry.
My mother surrounded herself with fellow christians and a church full of support. One family friend, Philip, admired my father soooooo much. He actually took a trip to Russia years later and brought us back a picture of the train station. Oddly enough, Philip died at 45, as well, of a slow growing brain tumor. Philip was also the minister that married us. Both men had their funeral services at 2 of the largest churches in Atlanta and not a seat to be had in either one.
What made my father such a great man, to be admired by so many and still leave such an incredible legacy? Here's my take on it:
-He was kind.
-He genuinely cared about other people.
-He was a great father to me and husband to my mother. She claims they only had one fight in 20 years and that was over whether or not he should take a raincoat to Russia. Not bad, huh
-He was a gentleman and used him manners willingly.
-He was charismatic. People were just naturally drawn to his personality.
-He was a wonderful christian man.
Even though I was only 5 when he died, he is still teaching me today, by the way he lived his life 40 plus years ago.
Thanks Daddy.
Labels: family
("Correction....I can't find this on that website anymore....
If you find it...let me know....Thanks. L.")
I finally found the prim "Good Rules for All". I know the photo is small but go to the link and you can order the pattern there. Great for a mountain house or vacation cottage. The first place I saw it was in the mountain house that we rent every summer.
Here's the rules just for kicks:
1- Be nice to one another.
2- Think good thoughts.
3- Try to do better.
4- Say please and thank you.
5- Smile.
6- Be happy.
7- Listen to others.
8- Be helpful.
9- Speak kindness.
10- Never give up.
Labels: Prim
Anina sent the first installment of the three by three swap...I can't wait to get my next 16! I love every single one of these...and love the way they work together....everyone did such a great job and the craftsmanship on them is excellent.
Honestly, I love every one and can't wait to explore sashings...right now I'm thinking some kind of Essex linen....neutralish, not white and definitely not black, although it was my first choice.
Do you see yours in here?
Labels: quilts
My precious Noel.... old faithful Noel...former guide dog, now with cataracts and a major case of diabetes. It's ironic how he use to guide folks across the, I'm the one who has to tell him, "STEP"....that means he needs to take a step up or down.
We could learn a lot from our pets....his lesson would be all about unconditional love.
Or honor and respect.
Cici, love her to death but she insists on smelling as bad as she possibly can at all times. Even 5 seconds after a bath. What gives? I'm not sure what her life lesson would be...something involving a lot of anxiety I'm sure.
And then she tries to cover it all up by being cute and white and fluffy. It's not working with me today....
Here's my baby girl....sweet at the day is long....can you tell how hot it is in Atlanta today...98 degrees - that's even too hot to go to the pool. ahhhhh.
In case you need a reminder ....
go hug your babes today.
Labels: family
Yep....we were at the beach last am I feeling like Gilligan? Shipwrecked, you say??? Not exactly, but close. Do you see one high rise or condo?? I know you may see a few homes in this photo but I swear, there is no one home. Perfect for Brad & Angelina.
Labels: knitting
Ballet...just plain cool....we had our end of the year performances this week. This is the scene 10 minutes before the curtain goes's the neatest feeling...The dancers are warming up and actually holding a real class....the ballet mistress is whispering the moves for them to's hard work and the girls are definitely warmed up; they were all sweating as I pinned on the last bits of their costumes.
This is my Nutcracker performing a dance from Les Syphildes. Click to see the Kirov Ballet doing the same dance...pretty remarkable. Those Russians have the ballet thing down pat.
We struggled with the hair for a long time thinking it had that "deli" look to it....I kept thinking that someone would walk up to her and ask her for 1/2 pound of shaved ham and 3 slices of provalone.
In the end, she did look so pretty. I picked the flowers from our garden....Hydrangeas, gardenias, and roses, all put in an antique silver nosegay that we use every's a tradition.And of course, here's Baby Girl in all her fanfare. She was beautiful as well and did a lovely dance to Winnie the Pooh. Have I ever mentioned that she's a toe walker which makes for very strong legs and a great arch....
It's been a great week and we're sad to see the year end...we have two weeks off and then my Nutcracker starts 4 weeks of 6 hours a day called ....ballet intensive....she can't wait! Wish me luck with the driving!
Labels: Atlanta Ballet