Thinking Outside the Box

on Saturday, December 20, 2008

What is this you say? Only my favorite Christmas present thus far. My friend, Sue, gave them to me at the Life Flight party on Wednesday. I just found this morning on my desk. I didn't even know she'd brought them. My organizational skills are overwhelming you at this point. Can you tell what these lovelies are? I call them mop shoes or God's gift to women or the greatest invention ever...something like that will do. They rank right up there with Robert Redford and Elvis, or maybe the yodeling pickle. Aside from the obvious practical purpose, they provide a great source of entertainment. I can only imagine she laughed as much buying them as I did opening them. She says to me this morning, "No bending over". This would have been so beneficial this summer when I had a gazillion stitches in my groin (sorry for the yukky word). (Hmmm, does she think I still have those stitches?). Please.

Will I have to share them with my daughters? Selfishness is ugly but necessary at times. This is one of those cases. I'm not sure I can share. The fact of the matter is that Sue was thinking outside the box. Thinking of having fun, laughing. Did I say it was my favorite Christmas present thus far? My Hero even gave me an Iphone for an early present. Ooooo, this is a tough call. I wouldn't want to say, don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, after all, isn't it...all about the heart.

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