She'll Make You Laugh, She'll Make You Cry

on Sunday, May 17, 2009

Folks who have been through the ringer....the medical ringer...I believe, have a different perspective. It's a piece of something you didn't sign up for and frankly thought would never happen to you. Does it make me better or worse than the next Sally or Sue....absolutely not. But I can sympathize with the ones who are going through it or have been there...

What's the perspective part?
1-Looking at your husband and both knowing "this is different"...
2-Wishing for the life you had just 3 hours ago when all was bliss...
3-Knowing that my heart disease has changed the childhood of my three babes....
4-Thankful for a moment to have any silly thought...
5- Believing that someday, my mind will think of something other than "is today the day?"...
6- Hating the memory of my nine year old son feeding his 10 day old sister while watching his mother gasp for her last breath...and
7- 5 years later know she's flying away in a helicopter with 20 minutes to live.

What prompted all of this?...Danielle's post today called, The Quiet Place. A fellow blogger friend once said of Danielle, "She'll make you laugh and she'll make you cry".

And tonight, she made me thankful that....I am here...that I can say prayers with Baby Girl tonight and hug her as tight as I want to....that I can tell my teenage boy I love him, unabashedly, knowing time with him is so precious....that I can sit at the ballet today, in a beautiful theatre and dream with my Nutcracker.

I am here.
Thank you Danielle.

5 Comments from you:

Michele Bilyeu said...

Completely beautiful, inside and out. Just like you, your blog, your family and your exquisite beating heart.

Carrie P. said...

Lindsey, You touched me with this entry. God is so good to allow your heart to beat longer so that you can see your children grow and to be a blessing to so many other people. I am grateful that I know you just a little even though I wish we could meet in person. Blessings to you and your beautiful family.

QuiltedSimple said...

What a great post - very touching!

Carla said...

I needed this today! Thank you for sharing your heart:)

Joanna said...

Just amazing. You made me cry! I have young kids and the thought of having the same feelings as you have every day just breaks my heart. You are definitely the epitome of strength and I have so much admiration for you, and your children :)

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